After a fantastic summer I’m starting the job hunt, excited for the stability, sociability, and focus. I’d like to stay in Austin and do something cool with software; if you know of any exciting opportunities, please let me know.

I’ve pasted my resume below in hopes of getting constructive criticism. The formatting is ugly here, so please focus on content and ordering (or any other secret mojo that I may have missed). My resume is also available as a standalone document on Thanks in advance for any feedback! Fire away…


Seven years of professional software development experience plus a PhD in Software Engineering


I am an ambitious engineer with a broad skill set and diverse interests. I would like to do cool stuff and pay the bills. - EDUCATION The University of Texas at Austin, 2007 - 2011 PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering - Dissertation: "Simplifying the Development of Intelligent Environments" The University of Texas at Austin, 2005 - 2007 MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering - Thesis: "Developing Collaborative Applications Using Sliverware" The University of Texas at Austin, 2001 - 2005 BS in Electrical and Computer Engineering, 3.8 Grade Point Average - WORK EXPERIENCE Summer 2011 - Fall 2011 Austin, TX Software Developer and Entrepreneur, Self-employed * Created web and mobile applications using a range of technologies, frameworks, and platforms including Facebook, iOS, Twitter, Java, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Ruby on Rails 3, PHP, Python, MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Node.js, Google App Engine, Heroku, Amazon EC2/AWS, and other Cloud platforms. * Improved search engine ranking (SEO) of web properties to increase traffic. * Worked with several advertising networks in search of competitive payouts and acceptable ads. * Performed customer interviews, market research, product management and project management duties. * See and - Fall 2006 - Spring 2011 Austin, TX Software Engineer, IBM (Lotus) * Automated the build veri?cation test (BVT) using STAF/STAX, Python, shell, and Rational Functional Tester (RFT) saving over 80 person-hours per week * Developed an automated status page using PHP, MySQL, and jQuery allowing the team to quickly understand the software process and quality * Refactored PHP graphing tool to increase code maintainability and improve the interface's usability * Optimized and componentized the Eclipse-style PDE build signi?cantly increasing build's speed, consumability, and maintainability - Fall 2005 - Spring 2011 Austin, TX Graduate Research Assistant, Mobile and Pervasive Computing Group * Applied cutting-edge web development techniques to create a RESTful Web of Things architectural style that allows novice developers to quickly and easily create mobile and pervasive computing applications. * Researched and developed a highly usable smart home using Java ME on embedded hardware and Ruby on Rails for the server. * Performed multiple user studies with techniques including surveys, paper prototypes, focus groups, and direct observation - Fall 2005 - Spring 2011 Austin, TX Webmaster and Systems Administrator, Mobile and Pervasive Computing Group * Created and maintained the group web page: * Developed a system utilizing Java, XML, and HTML to quickly update the Publications page * Setup and maintained laboratory computing infrastructure supporting SVN, htaccess, and MediaWiki on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X - Fall 2009 - Fall 2010 Teaching Assistant - Project Management, The University of Texas at Austin * Instructed and graded assignments for about 100 students over three semesters, ultimately receiving approval ratings of ~3.8/4.0 * Courses: Management of Projects and Processes, Project Management and Evaluation - Summer 2006 - Summer 2006 Austin, TX Software Engineer, IBM (Extreme Blue) * Participated in a four-person business/technical team to create a consultant scheduling system using J2EE and Web 2.0 technologies (AJAX, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, GWT) for the Systems and Technology Group's Virtual Loaner Program * Performed market research to determine strengths and weaknesses of related products and identify remaining technical problems and approaches * Created system architecture, high-level and low-level design, and pro ject timeline for proof of concept * Developed GUI and back-end Java components, collaborated on MySQL DB design, and set-up development environments in a timely manner ensuring all pro ject ob jectives were met * Presented pro ject to over 250 people including senior IBM executives * Provided roadmap including architecture, rationale, and extension points to enable a development team to seamlessly transform proof of concept to a stable tool - Fall 2005 - Spring 2006 Austin, TX Software Engineer, IBM (Tivoli) * Developed an open source silent installation application for rapid deployment of STAF on multiple operating systems saving an average of 30 minutes per installation * Con?gured IPv6 on Windows, Linux, AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris-SPARC enabling the group to meet DoD requirements and gain new business * Installed and managed laboratory hardware and software allowing developers to focus on programming * Performed compliance audits ensuring lab assets were properly managed - Spring 2005 - Spring 2005 Austin, TX Campus Liaison, Texas Instruments * Coordinated, scheduled, and led presentations and recruiting events to increase Texas Instruments' visibility and applicant pool on the UT campus * Evangelized for Texas Instruments through recruiting presentations and exemplary behavior * Assisted Texas Instruments' employees on campus ensuring their stay went smoothly * Provided insight into student-job-seekers' mentality and reported new ways to reach top talent - Summer 2004 - Fall 2004 Richardson, TX Product Engineer, Texas Instruments * Collaborated on extensive web-based program using LAMP stack which automated data analysis methods and common engineering tasks saving valuable time and increasing yield * Developed new statistical algorithms to determine quality, positively affecting data analysis * Led meetings and organized large social events as President of the Co-op Social Committee - Summer 2003 - Fall 2003 Stafford, TX Process Engineer, Texas Instruments * Provided free training in sameness data analysis method improving co-workers' competencies * Qualified furnace processes providing 10% additional diffusion manufacturing capacity - SKILLS problem solving, morale, programming, usability, research, mobile and pervasive computing, web development, cloud computing, Java, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, PHP, Eclipse, Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, SVN, Git, CVS - AWARDS AND HONORS * Thrust Fellow, The University of Texas at Austin * U.S. Patent Filed, "Method and system to determine user skill using natural language input" * MCD Fellow, The University of Texas at Austin * College Scholar, The University of Texas at Austin * Runner-up, Moore Elementary Recycling Slogan Contest - CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS * Austin Software Mentorship, Founding Member - Fall 2009 * Students in Software Engineering, Founding Member, President - Fall 2008 - PUBLICATIONS * Seth Holloway. "Simplifying the Development of Intelligent Environments," PhD dissertation, 2011. * Seth Holloway and Christine Julien. "The Case for End-User Programming of Ubiquitous Computing Environments," Proceedings of the FSE/SDP workshop on Future of software engineering research. 2010. * Seth Holloway, Drew Stovall and Christine Julien. "What Users Want From Smart Homes," Tech Report, 2010. * Seth Holloway, Drew Stovall, Jorge Lara-Garduno, and Christine Julien. "Opening Pervasive Computing to the Masses Using the SEAP Middleware," PerWare. 2009. * Drew Stovall, Seth Holloway, Jorge Lara-Garduno, and Christine Julien. "A Demonstration of Pervasive Device Integration with SEAP-based Middleware," Middleware. 2008. * Seth Holloway, Drew Stovall, Angela Dalton, and Christine Julien. "So Many Sensors, So Little Data," ICSE SAM. 2008. * Seth Holloway and Christine Julien. "ROCC: A Communication Overlay Abstraction for Wireless Users," ICDCS CDS. 2008. * Seth Holloway, Alexander Griffith, Angela Dalton, Drew Stovall, and Christine Julien. "SASSI: the Sliverware Architecture for Sensor Systems," SenSys. 2007. * Seth Holloway and Christine Julien. "Developing Collaborative Applications Using Sliverware," COOPIS. 2006. -