Recently, my ever-helpful labmate, Dr. Drew Stovall, suggested the call for papers wiki, or The site is well done: easy to navigate, intuitive, open, and free. Basically, you subscribe to the conferences you’re interested in, then the site will email you approaching deadlines. They also offer an amazing calendar view so you can plan your vacation submissions.

As I prepare to propose and begin the sprint to the finish, I was reviewing target deadlines on the site. I noticed that a conference recommended by one of my favorite researchers, Dr. Andy Ko was not on the site. In about two minutes I was able to add the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing 2010, not only to my own list, but to the site as a whole. Now, other HCI aficionados can sign stay abreast of the conference . See the CFP here. There’s probably a slant towards technical fields, which is to be expected because technical people are most likely to use a tool like this; however, the platform is incredibly powerful and open-ended, so I hope everyone uses the site.

I hope this is helpful for other paper-writers. Are there other cool tools I’m missing? I’d love to find out how to do my job more efficiently, so please share!