Being a researcher and techie myself, I have seen my fair share of technologies that will change the world and innovation that will never leave the lab.

I once read that the easiest was to reduce your daily stress is to shorten your commute. Everyone is annoyed while driving, but we cannot easily reduce our reliance on cars. I know that innovations are attainable with our current technology, so why has no one introduced changes to our roadways and vehicles? Are the technologies too expensive? Or is something more sinister at hand?

In this always-on world people long to be connected at all times; the commute is an inevitable impediment to staying connected and therefor causes us stress. Driving gets us from point A to point B: from one place we need or want to be to another. The journey is merely the time between now and then and is rarely pleasurable.

I’ve found that riding my bike is a great way to get from A to B while simultaneously exercising, clearing my head, and waking up. However, biking is not always possible or practical. This is where we have a major opportunity to improve life with technology; whether that is car driving themselves or the back of the car in front of us has a display on it (for our enjoyment), there are so many good ideas that could make the driving public happier.