Senior Software Engineer | Fall 2011 - Present
- Worked on a large SaaS CRM application contributing to various features like duplicate management and direct response. Worked in Java (JEE, Spring), JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL, and Salesforce (Apex, SOQL, VisualForce), Ruby, and Node.js. Continually drove quality inside and out by leading and organizing training sessions and developer discussions, mentoring peers, and creating widely used internal tools.
Technology Consultant | Self-employed | Spring 2007 - Present
- Worked with customers to improve efficiency with updated processes and custom software solutions. Services included web design, PC support, troubleshooting, security audits, computer networking help, infrastructure (hardware and software) purchases and installation.
Software Engineer | IBM (Lotus) | Fall 2006 - Spring 2011
- Automated the build verification test using Rational Functional Tester (RFT), STAF/STAX, and shell scripting; the automated process saves an average of 20 man-hours per day
- Using Java, shell scripts, and CVS, I optimized and componentized the PDE (Eclipse) build significantly increasing the build's speed, consumability, and maintainability
Extreme Blue Technical Intern | IBM | Summer 2006
- Participated in a four person business/technical team to create a consultant scheduling system using J2EE and Web 2.0 technologies (Java, Google Web Toolkit, Apache Struts) for the Systems and Technology Group's Virtual Loaner
- Performed market research to determine strengths and weaknesses of related products and identify remaining technical problems and approaches
- Created system architecture, high-level and low-level design, and project timeline for proof of concept
- Developed GUI (HTML/CSS) and back-end Java components, collaborated on DB design, and set-up development environments in a timely manner ensuring all project objectives were met
- Presented project to over 250 people including senior IBM executives
- Provided roadmap including architecture, rationale, and extension points to enable a seamless technology transfer from proof of concept to stable tool
Software Engineer | IBM (Tivoli) | Summer 2005 - Spring 2006
- Developed an open source project for rapid deployment of STAF
on Windows, Linux, AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris-SPARC operating systems
- Configured IPv6 on Windows, Linux, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris-SPARC
- Installed and managed laboratory hardware and software
- Gained insight into the software development process from concept to test
Campus Liaison | Texas Instruments | 5
- Coordinated, scheduled, and conducted meetings thereby increasing Texas Instruments' visibility and applicant pool on the UT campus
- Assisted and escorted Texas Instruments employees on campus
- Provided insight into student-job-seekers mentality and reported new ways to target students
Product Engineer | Texas Instruments | Summer - Fall 2004
- Automated data analysis methods and common engineering tasks which saved valuable time and increased yield
- Assisted creation of extensive data analysis framework
- Developed new statistical algorithms to determine quality
- President, Texas Instruments Co-op Social Committee
Process Engineer | Texas Instruments | Fall 2003
- Performed extensive data analysis utilizing various methods, including Microsoft Excel and DataPower
- Singly taught more than 10 professional engineers how to perform "sameness" tests
- Coordinated and helped qualify furnace processes
- Learned clean room and wafer-handling protocol
Teaching Assistant | Management of Projects and Processes | Fall 2010
- Taught and graded the assignments of numerous working professionals.
Teaching Assistant | Management of Projects and Processes | Spring 2010
- Taught and graded the assignments of 34 students.
Teaching Assistant | Systems Engineering Project Management | Fall 2009
- Taught and graded the assignments of 21 students, ultimately receiving a 4.78/5.00 approval rating in the anonymous instructor survey
Student Supervisor | Mobile and Pervasive Computing Group (MPC) | Spring 2007 - Spring 2011
- Alexander Griffith
- Jorge Lara-Garduno
- Seth Gee
- Razieh Nokbeh Zaeem
- Maykel Hanna
Research Assistant | Mobile and Pervasive Computing Group (MPC) | Spring 2006 - Spring 2011
- Researched diverse ideas related to ubiquitous computing producing one paper per semester on projects that received more than $25,000 in outside funding
Webmaster | Mobile and Pervasive Computing Group (MPC) | Spring 2006 - Spring 2011
- Created and maintained the group web page:
- Developed a system utilizing Java, XML, and HTML to generate the Publications page, reducing overhead by several minutes per use
Ph.D. Engineering | The University of Texas at Austin | May 2011
- Adviser: Dr. Christine Julien
- Dissertation: Simplifying the Development of Intelligent Environments
M.S. Engineering | The University of Texas at Austin | May 2007
- Thesis: Developing Collaborative Applications Using Sliverware
B. S. Electrical Engineering | The University of Texas at Austin | August 2005
Founding Member | Austin Software Mentorship | Fall 2009 - Fall 2010
Founding Member, President | Students in Software Engineering | Summer 2008 - Spring 2011
Creator, Lecturer | Summer of Learning and Teaching | Summer 2012 - Spring 2013
Co-organizer | Talk Tuesdays | Fall 2012 - Spring 2013